Beverly Stokes is the founder/director of Amazing Babies Moving® a global interactive network that provides educational Programs and Products for parents, educators and professionals worldwide.
She is a Certified Movement Analyst (CMA), Movement Pattern Analyst Consultant (MPA) and Registered International Somatic Movement Educator.
Beverly is acknowledged as a leader in the field of baby movement development and nonverbal communication with over 20 years working with babies, children and adults. Beverly is a consultant to professional organizations and workshop presenter.
A Movement Analyst Consultant certified by Warren Lamb, Developer of MPA.
Certified Movement Analyst (CMA), and core faculty in Janet Kaylo’s program, Laban/Bartenieff and Somatic Studies International (LSSI), at Ryerson & York Universities.
Registered Somatic Movement Educator (ISMETA) Beverly’s extensive professional background includes the fields of movement, Carl Stough’s Breathing Coordination and expressive communication.
Certified as a Teacher and Practitioner of Developmental Movement and the Body Systems by Bonnie Bainbridge Cohen, Founder of the School for Body-Mind Centering®.
On Faculty, Beverly originated and directed the Body Movement Program at the College of Naturopathic Medicine in Toronto.
For twelve years, she co-led adult workshops with Marion Woodman, Jungian Analyst and noted author on the interplay between perception, consciousness and movement.